
Intramural Field Auxiliary Support Facility Walnut Commons Fehn House Alumni and Engagement Vize House Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity John L. and Belle Igleheart Building Krannert Hall of Art and Music Wheeler Concert Hall Moore Residence Hall Schroeder Residence Hall and Esports Center James N. and Dorothy M. Cooper Stadium (Softball) Charles H. Braun Stadium (Baseball) and German American Field Arad McCutchan Stadium Student Fitness Center Fifth Third Bank Basketball Practice Facility New Residence Hall Neu Chapel and Wesley Gallery May Studio Theatre Hyde Hall Sampson Hall (Crayton E. and Ellen Mann Health Center) Schroeder School of Business Building and McCurdy Wing Shanklin Theatre Central Plant Ridgway University Center Carson Center Black Beauty Field (Soccer) Intramural/Practice Field General Services Building (Facilities Department, Physical Plant) General Services Building (Admin Services, Public Safety, Mail Room) Graves Hall Bower-Suhrheinrich Library Olmsted Administration Hall Clifford Memorial Library Peters-Margedant House Koch Center for Engineering and Science Mental Health and Wellness Clinic & Emily M. Young Assessment Center Art Annex Art Studio Engineering Annex Melvin Peterson Gallery Mary Kuehn Powell Residence Hall Hale Residence Hall Jones Hall Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity Frederick Commons 216 S. Weinbach Apartments Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity Diversity Resource Center Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI) Fraternity Lincoln Commons Lincoln Park Apartments Panhellenic Center 1 SE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Evansville, IN 515 Bob Jones Way, Evansville, IN Lot A Lot B (West) Lot B (East) Lot C Lot F Lot G Lot H Lot J Lot K Lot M